Pentecost is the great festival that marks the birth of the Christian Church by the power of the Holy Spirit.
“Fifty days after the resurrection of Jesus, the twelve apostles, Jesus’ mother and family, and many other of his disciples gathered together in Jerusalem for the Jewish harvest festival that was celebrated on the fiftieth day of Passover. While they were indoors praying, a sound like that of a rushing wind filled the house, and tongues of fire descended and rested over each of their heads.
This was the outpouring of the Holy Spirit on human flesh promised by God through the prophet Joel (Joel 2:28-29). The disciples were suddenly empowered to proclaim the gospel of the risen Christ. They went out into the streets of Jerusalem and began preaching to the crowds gathered for the festival. Not only did the disciples preach with boldness and vigor, but by a miracle of the Holy Spirit, they spoke in the native languages of the people present, many of who had come from all corners of the Roman Empire.”
LPC will celebrate Pentecost Sunday tomorrow, May 28th, with Patricia Neel’s sermon: “God Before, Christ Beside, Holy Spirit Within!” It is an LPC tradition for the congregation to wear red on this day to symbolize the joy and fire of the Holy Spirit. Join us at 11:00 am. All are welcome here!
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